18 November 2006

Active and Conscious Participation

The Vatican II document, Sacrosactum Concilium calls for active and conscious participation in the liturgy. But what really is it? Many times we hear what its not. Its not the use of rock music in the Mass. Its not the substitution of a lay sharing for the homily. Its not the Priest creating his own Eucharistic Prayer. Its not the substitution of the text of the Sanctus. Its not the creation of a new response to the Mysterium Fidei. Its not the use of crystal patens and chalices. Its not the hand-holding for the Pater Noster. Its not the Priest coming out of the sanctuary for the sign of peace. Its not this, its not that.

This would the active and conscious participation in the liturgy called for by the Second Vatican Council: Traditional Latin Low Mass With Meditation by St. Eymard

While this video is show the Classical Roman Rite, the same standard of participation in the liturgy applies for the Missal of Paul VI. This kind of meditation very clearly is active and conscious participation. How frequent is this kind of active and conscious participation taught?

Note: this video may not be the best example of the Classical Roman Rite, just concentrate on the meditation.

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